Skin Cancer
Here’s Why There’s No Such Thing as a “Healthy Tan”

Summer is practically here, and while a sun-kissed glow may be aesthetically pleasing, a “healthy” tan is actually anything but good for you. The idea that tanning is a normal, safe part of summer is outdated and unscientific, and the concept of a “base tan” is nothing more than a myth. In fact, tanning happens […]
7 Ways to Lessen Scarring After Skin Cancer Removal

Early detection and proper treatment of skin cancer are vital—and when it comes to removal, your doctor needs to be thorough to ensure all cancerous skin cells have been excised. It’s no wonder many patients feel anxious about possible scarring, particularly on the face. The good news is that techniques have improved, and there are […]
4 Ways to Stay On Top of Skin Health

Every year when May rolls around, we’re all reminded how important protecting our skin is during Skin Cancer Awareness Month. But now it’s June. And, unfortunately, like most new year’s resolutions, the good skin habits we take on often fall off our radar just a few weeks later—which is particularly bad timing considering summer is […]
Before You Dash Off for Spring Break, Brush Up on Your SPF Skills

Spring is so close we can almost taste it. In fact, it was while looking for spring recipes that we came across this article in Cooking Light about the importance of making SPF a part of our daily routines, especially as warmer weather activities ramp up. As a board certified plastic surgeon who also specializes […]
Listen to Your Wife or Partner…They’re the Most Likely to First Notice Your Skin Cancer!

Did you know that men over the age of 50 have a significantly higher risk of developing melanoma than the general population? While everyone should be performing monthly skin checks and making sure they’re protecting their skin, if you fit the above criteria, you may want to keep extra tabs on skin health. One way […]
Should Minors Be Able to Use Tanning Beds?

Shorts weather is here, and the idea of showing of pale winter skin may sound unappealing to many—especially teens who are hoping to don a bronzed body for spring break, prom and other rites of spring and summer. But even though it’s legal in most of Maryland for a teen to tan with a parent’s […]
Surprising Ways You’re Getting Sun Damage

We know: you can’t throw a figurative stone without hitting a blog or article about sun damage, tips for preventing it, or options for helping your skin after it’s already happened. However, while you may be clued in on tips for applying sunscreen, how to protect your kids from sun damage, and just what SPF […]
6 Tips from Physicians for Skin Cancer Awareness Month

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 3.3 million people were treated for skin cancer in 2015—and 1 in 5 Americans will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Despite these startling numbers, many people continue to put their skin in harm’s way day after day. The Cosmetic Surgery Forum recently asked a panel […]
Curious About Your Moles? Check Out Our Self-Examination Checklist!

Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer in the U.S. each year. Skin cancer is scary, but did you know that there is a 99% survival rate if skin cancer is found in its earliest stages? The key is spotting questionable moles before they spread. You might be wondering how to tell […]