Face Procedures
How soon before a facelift do I need to stop getting Botox?

If you are preparing for a facelift or eyelid lift, you will want to talk with your plastic surgeon about any Botox® or dermal filler treatments you have had or plan to get. If you are only getting a lower face and/or neck lift, upper face Botox is not a concern A traditional facelift is […]
6 Ways to Erase Your Wrinkles

Are lines and wrinkles making you look older and more tired than you really are? While wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, you don’t have to live with deep folds and sagging skin that leave you feeling unattractive. Instead, consider trying some of the tips below to age gracefully. What causes wrinkles? […]
6 Treatments to Get Now that Summer is Over

Cooler temperatures, gorgeous foliage, and pumpkin spice…what’s not to love about Fall? And, because you likely have more opportunities to stay home and recover, Fall is also the perfect time of year to spruce up your appearance in preparation for the holidays and spring vacations. If you’re considering a makeover this season, take a look […]
Why It’s Important to Be Honest With Your Plastic Surgeon About Past Non-Surgical Treatments

Non-surgical procedures have been on the rise for the past decade, with nearly 16 million performed in 2018 alone. While many of these are advertised as quick and easy “lunchtime” procedures with zero downtime, they have effects on your body’s tissues that need to be considered when it comes to subsequent treatments and surgeries. In […]
Non-Surgical Treatments that Will Help You Look Your Best in Zoom Meetings

Many of us are now working from home and for most, that also means participating in lots of Zoom meetings. While interacting with colleagues while wearing sweats is a big perk, constantly seeing your own face on screen might have you wishing to make a few adjustments to your appearance. The good news is many […]
Patient Ratings Prove These Classic Plastic Surgery Procedures Are Often Superior to Newer Laser, RF and Non-Surgical Options

Have you noticed that brand name procedures are showing up a lot more often when it comes to cosmetic medicine? That’s no accident—when companies and even individual surgeons invest in new technology, they want to get the word out and attract as many patients as possible to fund their investment in these expensive machines. But, […]
Bags, Circles, & Swelling, Oh My! Understanding Your Under-Eye Woes (and How to Treat Them)

Do you ever look in the mirror and wonder if your eyes are puffy from all the pollen in the air or if you’ve suddenly inherited your dads baggy eyes? You’re not alone. From sleep deprivation to our genetics, our eyes change both day to day and in the long term. And some problems will […]
Will I Need a Facelift After Significant Weight Loss?

Achieving significant weight loss is something to be proud of—it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make lasting lifestyle changes. Wherever you are in your weight loss journey, you are likely noticing many positive changes. However, one well-known and common side effect of significant weight loss is excess, sagging skin. If you […]
Find Out Your Face Shape + How to Highlight All Your Best Features

Do you know your face shape? It’s actually more complex than you might think. Successfully using the best facial contouring treatments, hairstyles, and makeup application techniques can depend on knowing your unique shape. Cosmopolitan recently tackled the equation and made suggestions about the best ways to compliment your look. Here’s what we found out: First, […]
Dr. Garazo Featured in Hagerstown Magazine

Pam DeHaven showing off her gorgeous results! Sometimes the toll of aging leaves us wondering who the tired, older-looking person in the mirror is. However, just because wrinkles and sagging skin are a natural part of life doesn’t mean we have to endure changes that impact our confidence. Facial rejuvenation procedures and treatments—from quick BOTOX […]