Breast Procedures News
5 Myths & Facts About Sagging Breasts According to

Most women would love to know all of the secret tips and tricks to keeping their breasts perky, youthful, and gravity-resistant. Unfortunately, much of the information circulating is false. recently addressed five of the most common assumptions about sagging breasts in an effort to separate fact from fiction. The article emphasizes one key fact: […]
Holiday Gift Guide: Top 7 Presents for Women with Breast Implants

Finding the perfect gift for the special woman in your life who has recently undergone breast augmentation surgery is no easy task. She’ll need tops and undergarments that embrace her new figure, but it’s tough to pick something that’s just right—you don’t want to end up disappointing her at gift time. Don’t fear: our holiday […]
6 Quick Tips to Beat Breast Augmentation Post-Op Stress
It’s the day after your breast augmentation. You’ve parked yourself on the couch because you’re too tired to even start a load of laundry, when your significant other asks, “So, what are we having for dinner?” Suddenly, you’re feeling even more guilty about resting and stressed about all that you’re not doing. This doesn’t have to be […]