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6 Quick Tips to Beat Breast Augmentation Post-Op Stress

It’s the day after your breast augmentation. You’ve parked yourself on the couch because you’re too tired to even start a load of laundry, when your significant other asks, “So, what are we having for dinner?” Suddenly, you’re feeling even more guilty about resting and stressed about all that you’re not doing.

This doesn’t have to be you!

Your reasons for choosing breast augmentation are personal and it is important to have a full understanding of how to manage your post-op recovery time and energy. Your final results may depend on it! Dr. Garazo and his team want to help. We understand that preparation for breast augmentation isn’t just about your physical state.

Here are our top tips on how to prepare for breast augmentation that will benefit you in recovery:

  • Take a day off before surgery to prepare.
    By taking a day off, you’ll be sure to have time to do all the things on this list.
  • Wash all your laundry
    Hello fresh clean sheets! Also be sure the soft, comfy clothes you’ll want to wear during recovery are clean and in one spot, ready to throw on.
  • Stock up on ice packs
    Icing 48 hours after surgery helps to reduce pain and swelling, so stocking up on ice packs pre-op can ease stress knowing relief is right in the freezer.
  • Have your house cleaned
    Cleaning up your place before surgery will let you relax and focus on yourself during your recovery. If you don’t have time to do much, focus on tidying the room you’ll be resting in for the first few post-op days. Having a clean, calm place to be will reduce any temptation to over-exert yourself.
  • Freezer friendly foods
    There is no need to stress about dinner while you’re recovering from surgery. In the time leading up to your procedure, you can put meals in the freezer so food is ready to go. (Soups, lasagnas and twice baked potatoes are just a few options.) You can also plan on having take-out delivered a few nights. Make a list of what meal is planned for what day, and your hubby won’t even have to wake you up from a well-deserved recovery nap to know what’s for dinner. If you’re lucky, he’ll be heating it up while you rest.
  • Expect Less of Yourself
    Everyone’s recovery process is different, so when it comes to what you will be able to take on after surgery—like work, school, or chores—don’t place hard expectations on yourself. Allow yourself time to heal and let people help take care of you.

When it comes to breast augmentation, the changes that you will undergo physically and emotionally are positive, but significant—so it helps to be prepared. Come in for a personal consultation with Dr. Garazo, he will be more than happy to discuss all the ways you can optimize your breast augmentation experience.

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