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Financial Statement

Financial Information

Thank you for choosing Plastic Surgery Services! The success of your medical treatment and care is the first priority of our staff and plastic surgeon. Hagerstown residents and patients from the surrounding area are welcome here, but please understand that paying your bill is your responsibility.

For your convenience, we have answered a variety of commonly asked financial policy questions below. If you need further information about any of these policies, please ask to speak with our Billing Specialist or the Practice Manager.

Do I need a referral?

If you have an HMO plan with which we have a contract, our plastic surgeon requires a referral from your primary care physician. If we have not received an authorization prior to your arrival at the office, we have a telephone available for you to call your primary care physician to obtain it. If you are unable to obtain the referral at that time, your appointment will need to be rescheduled.

Which insurance plans do you contract with?

  • Medicare
  • Mail Handlers
  • Traveler’s
  • Medicare
  • Tricare
  • Carefirst Blue Shield
  • Hagerstown Teamsters
  • Maryland Carefirst
  • Point-of-Service Informed
  • Pennsylvania Blue Shield
  • Cigna

What is my financial responsibility for services by Dr. Garazo?

Your financial responsibility depends on a variety of factors, as explained below.

If I am a cosmetic surgery patient, what are my payment options?

If Dr. Garazo recommends surgery, you will see his surgical coordinator, who will answer specific questions about the surgery scheduling process and surgical fees. Together, you will discuss the paperwork and tests involved, and then the surgical coordinator will help you complete all pre-certifications/authorizations if your insurance company requires it.

To schedule your cosmetic surgery, a 10% non-refundable scheduling fee is required to hold your surgery date and time. Your remaining balance is due two weeks prior to your surgery.

Your payment options include cash, check, credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, & American Express), and CareCredit. See below for details about insurance and CareCredit.
CareCredit works just like a credit card, but is exclusive for health care services. And it’s better because you get no interest financing or low monthly payments every time you use it. You can use your card over and over for follow-up appointments or different procedures. This means you don’t have to put your health and beauty on hold until you save up enough money.

Call 1-800-365-8295 or apply online.

What is your policy for office visits and office services?

If You Have… You Are Responsible for… Our Staff Will…
Commercial Insurance
Also known as indemnity or “regular” insurance or “80/20 coverage.”
Payment (of co-pays, deductibles, etc.) is your responsibility for all office visits and other charges; we request payment at the time of your office visit. File an insurance claim on your behalf.
HMO & PPO plans with which we have a contract If the services you receive are covered by the plan:
All applicable co-pays and deductibles are requested at the time of your office visit.If the services you receive are not covered by the plan:
Payment in full is requested at the time of your visit.
File an insurance claim on your behalf, if appropriate.
HMO with which we have no contract. Payment in full for office visits and other charges is requested at the time of your visit. File an insurance claim on your behalf, if appropriate.
Point-of-Service Plan or Out-Of-Network PPO Payment (of deductible, co-pay, non-covered services, etc.) is your responsibility for all office visits and other charges; we request payment at the time of your office visit. File an insurance claim on your behalf, if appropriate.
Medicare Any services not covered by Medicare are requested at the time of your visit.If you have Regular Medicare as primary as well as secondary insurance or Medigap:
No payment is necessary at the time of the visit.
File the claim on your behalf, as well as any claims to your secondary insurance.
No Insurance Payment in full is requested at the time of your visit. Work with you to settle your account. Please ask to speak with our staff if you need assistance.

Dr. Henry Garazo—a cosmetic surgeon in Hagerstown—invites you to schedule a consultation at Plastic Surgery Services, visit us online, or call (301) 791-1800.

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(301) 791-1800